This is a common feeling expressed by new teachers and it is no mystery! A lot of what new teachers experience once they make a decision to come to China or Indonesia through EF to teach follows a very systematic mapping. Your schedule upon arrival is provided for you (training, meals, visa interviews, medical checks, establishing a bank account, finding your new apartment, etc.). These things are set up for new teachers so that the process of settling in and acclimating in the first two weeks is a lot easier. When you finally arrive at your school, you are provided an observation/team teaching schedule for the next two weeks. It is no surprise that most teachers get to their wit's end and feel like their sense of control at this point is very limited. If in particular you've been the kind of person who has been super independent, came and went as you pleased, and is self-motivated – this new situation could be daunting, if not off-putting.
Let me assure you that this process is necessary, but only temporary! When you arrive in a foreign country, there are many governmental regulations (therefore admin and paperwork) that need to be accommodated on your behalf in order for you to stay in the country. This requires time, care and attention to make sure it's all done correctly. Then, keep in mind that the training, as they can be quite intense and long, is necessary to give you an overview of EF's company mission, and teach you basic skills and theory on how to teach young learners. Without the training (and your focus and effort), you will flounder in the classrooms and most likely not pass probation.
So with that perspective in mind, I would encourage new teachers to hang in there, take it all in, ask questions, and go with the flow. Once you're on the other side, you're back in the driver's seat. Five weeks in, you'll have your basics in place and then it will feel a bit eerie that you no longer have all these scheduled tasks between the school and headquarters. You may even start to miss that regimentedness.
All that being said, my advice after this settling in period is if you are the kind of person that wants more control of your life, I challenge you to take on more responsibility. What does that look like? Just look around you at your centers. What needs to be done? What could help the school run more efficiently and effectively? What does your DoS (Director of Studies) think needs more support? Where you lend a hand is where you potentially write your ticket on having more and more control over what you do in your day-to-day life. If you are effective at taking on responsibility and delivering successful outcomes, you will be given control, more than you ever thought you'd ever have.